Thursday, October 27, 2011

We had our pumpkin carving night yesterday!:) We all did such a good job, even Owen! Emma and Taylor did amazing! Emma's was dracula and Taylor's a ghost... Nanny did a witch and Troy did the headless horseman:) I did vampires, and Owie's was a cute little pumpkin face:)

We went to Vegas with 4 of our closest friends a few weeks ago! We had more fun than I ever imagined:) Troy and I felt like teenagers again no kids, late nights and LOTS of fun!


Owen is getting bigger everyday! I cant put the camera down! He is SO amazing and looks JUST like his amazing and handsome daddy:)

We have SO many loyal and amazing friends and have enjoyed their company SO much the last few months, here are some random pictures of all of us just having fun:)

We went to Halloween Town in St. Helens again this year, this time with my best friends in the WHOLE world, Lisa C. and Lisa N:) all the kids had such a good time, we shared so many fun memories:)

We took the kiddos and Troy's mom to the pumpkin patch a few weeks ago! We all had such a good time, Troy and I felt like kids again running around getting dirty and being crazy!:)

So many changes have been made in the last few months!!! The girls have both started school, Emma's in 2nd grade, and Taylor's in kindergarden:) Owen celebrated his 1st B-day last month and Troy has found himself interested in a new and better career. The Nolan's are doing better than ever, and we are excited to share some family photos with all of you!